Saturday, November 1, 2008

Arrrgh Matey!

Almost forgot to include a photo of us together on Halloween night. Our entire family dressed up as pirates. Dale's "tattoos" were courtesy of Grace and a sharpie. My personal favorite is the hangman on his forearm. I'll take an "a" please. And that's a real goatie he grew in just for the occassion. Only thing is his beard is naturally blond and he of course wanted it darker. So he asked to use my mascara...ha...I don't think so. So he used the next best shoe polish. It was definitely dark...for a very long time.


Michael said...

You guys look great! I love the pirate theme.

Anonymous said...

WOW Dawna, I must say, your sure do know how to throw a party. You always have the cutest ideas and do such a good job. You guys look great. I wish we could share in the fun with you all. You guys are the funnest, we miss you.